Boudoir on Location – Leicestershire || Miss S’s Experience
I was just about to write a paragraph for this post and Miss S had just emailed me her boudoir survey. I will let her speak from her own experience!

Were you nervous about anything going into the session?
No, I was excited! I was nervous when we got to the park and I had to get undressed but after a while I warmed up to it and it was fine.
What was your favourite part of the experience?
My favourite part of the experience by far was feeling like I was sexy. For the first time in a long time actually being comfortable in my own skin and feeling confident. It was liberating, exciting and empowering.

What were your thoughts when you saw your images for the first time?
I was so nervous for my reveal appointment, I was like a giggly school girl. It is really difficult to override the instinctive ‘Oh no I don’t like that look at my, arm or my tummy or my chin’. It took a while to see through that, and instead of being disgusted by the parts of my body that I thought looked big or flabby or whatever, I began to see those imperfections as something else. Once I started to look at the picture as a whole instead of focussing on an aspect I didn’t like which frankly no one else would notice, I really saw the beauty in them. And I began to realise that those bits are not imperfections. They are just my body. My body is what it is and it should be appreciated for its true worth. We would never tell our friends that their arm looked fat in that photo or their tummy looked like a wobble board would we, so why do it to ourselves? And the process I have gone through with Sarah has been the springboard for this epiphany. Without her I wouldn’t have got to this point of self acceptance, self love and being kind to myself.
How do you feel now you have completed the session?
I’m so proud of myself, as an experience that I can look back on and say I did. In 20 years time, or when I’m old and wrinkly, I will look back and think that for one morning while I was half naked having photos taken on Knighton Park, I was badass. I HAD it. I was sexy. I was happy. And confident. This is an investment for my life. There will no doubt be times in the future when I feel terrible, need a pick me up, or a reminder of what I am, what I can do, and they are there for that reason. They are my own personal pick me up.

Any advice for other ladies who have booked and are nervous or who are hesitant to book?
Nerves are normal and are ok. Go with them, embrace them and overcome them. You will feel proud of yourself afterwards. Don’t hesitate. Cost might be a factor but there are prepayment plans and I don’t know if you can really put a price on the outcome which is your own confidence and appreciation of your body and mind.
Would you recommend Sarah Rachel Boudoir to others?
100% I have done and I will do. I love Sarah, I think the way she can make us come out of our shell and for the time we are with her become something else is magical. But it isn’t becoming something else really, it is just reconnecting with ourselves. For the time you are in front of the camera you are not a wife or a mother or a manager or anything other than just you. You are entirely yourself for that time. That in itself is priceless.