Everything you ever wanted to know about a Boudoir Experience || Leicestershire’s Best Boudoir Photography
No worries! Me neither!!
I do however spend every waking moment learning how to shoot boudoir. I literally specialise in this field so that my clients, who have never been in front of a camera before, can still get this amazing experience.
I’m here to truly explain what my boudoir experiences are like, so read on!
Lets start at the beginning.
I have a portfolio you guys. And in my portfolio are everyday women who have never had boudoir photos taken before. They are women who are not experienced in posing, who maybe just purchased their first piece of lingerie ever just for their session. They are women who just like you and me, have insecurities and fear when it came to taking their clothes off for me.
“Wow!? So these aren’t models?”
NO!!! However with a lot of my help, some trust, and me singing out of tune to get my ladies laughing, they all had this amazing experience where afterwards they said things like “WOW I LOOK HOT NAKED!!”
So clearly, I have done this once or twice. To start out, you simply need to trust that. You need to trust that every women who came before you, had the experience you want. You have to trust that I know what I am doing. I guarantee you, that you can feel just like every women I work with.
”Alright, alright. I have to trust the process, got it. Well…. now what?”
The Consultation! (A.K.A I help you plan your entire session)
“I have no idea what to wear”
Don’t worry girl! I will literally sit down one on one with you and help you plan that!! I will ask a series a questions meant to get you thinking about you as a woman, and what you want your dream session to look like.
During this consultation, I also ask you things like, whats your favorite, and least favorite parts of your body. Why? Because every women is unique, and I cater every session to the unique individual. If you don’t like your mid section, most of my clients don’t. I will make sure to offer outfit advice, as well as reassure you with posing that we can always flatter your body.
Additionally, I truly believe being open with each other and simply chatting one on one helps foster that amazing relationship before the session even begins. You are being vulnerable in front of me. Lets get to know one another before that even happens.

“Oh gosh, I am so nervous.”
Girl be nervous, be scared, be brave and overcome those feelings and do something crazy outside your comfort zone!
If your session includes hair and makeup my professional dream team will be there ready and waiting for you. They begin chatting about your likes and dislikes, and the overall feeling you want in your images. Then from there they work their hair and make up magic, allowing you time to simply relax in the studio. I ALWAYS want you to opt for hair and make up with your experience because it allows you one less thing to worry about before your session!
Once hair and make up is over with, we plan some more! I have you lay out every single one of your ideas, and we go through together, deciding what poses we are doing with each outfit to ensure you are getting everything you wanted and more.
Now is the fun part! The posing!
Are you getting concerned just reading this?
I direct everything.
Yep you heard that right!
I pose hands, facial expression, that midsection your so worried about. I pose you from start to finish, to allow every client to receive amazing images of them selves. I do not expect you to know what you are doing at all. This is not why you hired me. You hired me because I know everything when it comes to posing, and because you trust me to make sure you look the absolute best during your full session.
Girl I will even get on the bed with you to show you the posing. Do. Not. Worry!
I got you!

The Reveal (Legit babes, I am still helping you through this process!!)
Imagine this, you have taken all the amazing steps to this empowering experience. You had the consult, you did the session, now your left with images, but can you imagine going through over 60 images and deciding what it is you want to take home with you? It can be tough and overwhelming especially since, well you LOVE all of them.
I have had clients in the past get so overwhelmed they couldn’t even make a decision!
So I thought, here let me help you one last time with this whole experience. I sit one on one with you as you view your images for the first time! You get to watch your images in a slide show set to music, and then we go through your gallery together selecting favorites and narrowing down!
Then we go over all of the products that I offer for the second time (You viewed them at your consultation also!) and ask you “When you think about how you want your session displayed, what comes to mind”. Even after your session I am helping you plan your experience after you leave my studio!
But what products are there?
OH OH Well I am glad you asked!
I offer 4 different types of products: High end custom albums, variety of wall art options, digital images with print releases, and heirloom print boxes.
My products are all one of a kind, and seriously amazing for displaying art (you, your the art!) During your reveal, this is also something I help you go through. Figuring out specifically what it is your looking for, and helping you pick out the perfect images to go with the products your buying! Additionally, I even offer payment plans, especially when you end up falling in love with all of your images, this is a great way to get more, while breaking up the payments! My payment plans are built to be simple and easy, and all in house, so no worries about credit or being approved!
After your product order is placed I begin working on it! Albums get custom made and previews sent over to you before sending them off, while other things like wall art and print boxes just get immediately sent over to be made! Once I receive them, and quality check them, I schedule a time with you to pick up!
Easy peasy lemon squeezy