Channeling Your Inner Body Confidence || Premium Boudoir Photography
As I tell all my boudoir clients, our inner dialogue is so important for body confidence. It’s very unlikely that we’d standby and listen to a friend talk negatively about themselves; so, why do we do it internally to ourselves? The sexiest thing you can bring to a boudoir shoot is inner body confidence, so here are my top tips on how to channel that power, not just in front of the camera but in your everyday life too…

Reflect Outwards: First off, it’s time to become BFF’s with your reflection. Instead of looking in the mirror and making a list of flaws, try finding one thing every morning that you love about yourself. Its OK to start small – my own starting place was my epic cheekbones. Over time, it became my stronger, muscular legs, then my hourglass curves. Start where you feel comfortable and work up from there.
Kick comparison away: “Comparison is the thief of joy” – how so few words can mean so much! Don’t look at someone/something and wish you could be/have it. There really is no one else quite like you in the world and thats a wonderful thing. Embrace uniqueness, it is your superpower.
Reflect inwards: Talk positively about yourself in all situations, both internal and with others. Thoughts become words, which become actions. If you recognise any negative narrative you have about yourself, call yourself out on it!
Remove the word ‘sorry’ from your vocabulary: You know what the biggest one for me was? Excessive apologising. Sorry for taking up too much room. Sorry for having a differing opinion. Sorry for making too much noise. Sorry for being an inconvenience… This one was a hard one to break for me, but it has made a huge difference in my confidence levels now that I’ve cracked it. You are worth the time and space; and you deserve to be heard. There will, of course, be occasions you actually need to apologise in life (we’re all human after all!) but existing is not one of those occasions.
Stand tall: Pull your shoulders back, straighten your spine and keep your chin up. Make eye contact. Imagine your legs and spine are made of steel; your strength comes from within you.
Until such a time as this comes easily…. Fake it ‘til you make it!