Can a luxury boudoir photoshoot help you take back control?
Have you ever been in a position where you had lost complete control over your life? Where that has been forcibly taken from you? Every single day women suffer at the hands of not only strangers but also their own loved ones. In fact it is estimated that one in three women will be subjected to sexual violence during their lifetime and one in four women will suffer from domestic abuse. With such staggering statistics it is no wonder that so many of us can feel lost, alone, scared and vulnerable. As I look around my friendship group I wonder who amongst us could be one of those statistics, how I can recognise the signs, and what it is that I can do to help. The smallest gesture is often the one to make the biggest difference, always remember that.

Taking back control.
Many women will suffer multiple times before they are able to speak up and seek help and whilst there are many organisations that can provide support and help, (I’ll add some links below in case you are in need) feeling empowered and showing yourself love can take a long time after you have suffered abuse. It can take time to build back up to a place of trust with others and especially in intimate situations where you may feel more vulnerable.
It takes an immense amount of strength and courage to break free from an abusive relationship and you can be left a mere shadow of your former self so how can an intimate boudoir photoshoot help you to turn that around?
- Do something new just for you. Every luxury boudoir photoshoot that I hold is unique, why? Because you are unique, your body is unique, your story is unique, and how you show yourself in your photos will also be unique.
- Self-Love. A luxury indoor, or outdoor, boudoir photoshoot can be a huge part of your self-love journey, it can help you to reconnect with your body and allow you to show yourself some much needed love.
- Take control. You may think that I’m in control as I have the camera but that simply isn’t true. There is absolutely nothing that you will do on the day of your shoot that you do not want to do. Prior to your photoshoot we will have a telephone consultation and if there is anything that you think could be a trigger and make the day unpleasant then just tell me and I’ll be sure to avoid that.
- Create new memories. As you come to finding yourself again and you begin to build back up your self-esteem and your self-confidence it is important that you make new connections and memories with your physical body so that it truly becomes yours again.
- Put aside your fears. After any kind of abuse it can be hard to trust again and especially in an environment where you may be feeling a little vulnerable. I work hard on every photoshoot to ensure you feel safe, in control, and happy.

Be the version of you that you want to be.
Whilst it might feel scary to take back control and it might take time to fully achieve it and move beyond your demons, I would be honoured to be a part of your journey. There is nothing that I love more than seeing a women feel strong and empowered in her own skin and no matter what fears you might have as I take those photos I know that the end result will be one that makes you realise your worth and see your beauty. Your final photos can be displayed in a number of different ways from print to photo albums to wall art and more, that decision is entirely down to you and means that you can treasure those images forever. Step into your power, take back control and book the most incredible day that will boost your self-love, self-confidence, and help you reconnect with yourself.

If you are struggling and need support then you may find the following contact details useful:
Women Aid –
Living Without Abuse –
Samaritans –
Refuge –
Never suffer in silence or feel that you deserve the abuse that you are suffering, you have the right to live a healthy, happy, abuse free life. Whilst you may feel guilt or fear about reaching out for help there is always someone that can provide you with support.